
This blog would be the main guiding page and it help me to share my birding life. It including instruction of the birds, bird photo ,my current hardware issue and some special topic like bird's aerodynamics. 這個布落格將是主要的導引頁,我將用它來分享我的賞鳥生活包括鳥類的介紹和照片,我的裝備問題以及鳥類飛行力學等.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Bird's Order List

I will try to build up the data base on the bird Order-Family-Genus-Species list.

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Sittidae
Genus: Sitta
Species: carolinensis

Palaeognathae (the ratites and tinamous) 古鶚總目 又稱平胸總目 Ratitae:
Tinamiformes 鷸鴕目- Tinamous鷸鴕
Rheiformes 美洲鴕目- Rheas鶆奧鳥
Struthioniformes 鴕鳥目- OstrichFalconifo鴕鳥
Casuariiformes - Cassowaries食火雞
Dinornithiformes - Kiwis 奇異鳥

Impenne 楔翼總目 又叫企鵝總目:
Sphenisciformes 企鵝目- Penguins

Neognathae (all other modern birds)今鶚總目 又稱突胸總目 Carinathe:
Podicipediformes 鷿鷈目- Grebes
Procellariiformes 信天翁目(鸌形目)- Tube-nosed Seabirds 又叫管鼻類
Pelecaniformes 全蹼目- Pelicans
Anseriformes 雁鴨目- Waterfowl
Phoenicopteriformes - Flamingos
Ciconiiformes 鸛鷺目- Herons, Storks, New World Vultures
Falconiformes 隼形目-the falcons and caracaras(about 60 species/4 sections)
Accipitriformes鷹形目 - 220-odd species (including the Accipitridae—eagles, hawks, and many others)
Galliformes 雞目- Fowlike Birds
Gruiformes 鶴目- Cranes, Rails
Charadriiformes 鷸目- Shorebirds, Gulls
Gaviiformes 潛鳥目- Loons
Columbiformes 鳩鴿目- Pigeons and Doves
Psittaciformes 鸚形目- Parrots
Coliiformes 鼠鳥目- Mousebirds
Musophagiformes 蕉鵑目 - Turacos
Cuculiformes 鵑形目- Cuckoos
Strigiformes 鴟鴞目( 貓頭鷹 )- Owls
Caprimulgiformes 夜鷹目- Nightjars
Apodiformes 雨燕目- Swifts and Hummingbirds
Trogoniformes咬鵑目 - Trogons
Coraciiformes 佛法僧目 - Rollers, Kingfishers, Bee-eater
Piciformes 啄木鳥目- Woodpeckers, Toucans
Passeriformes - Perching Birds 燕雀目

The Bird Relative Engineering Topics

這個部分將包含較為工程科學偏向的項目,包括我目前的設備的問題及設計圖,鳥類的飛行力學以及其他的部分或許可行的話會包含 CMOS ,LCD 及簡易的半導程製介紹
Vibration Control --Camera & Tripod relative hard ware for Bird photo

Bird Aerodynamics

As we know , flight is the result of lift ,drag and gravity.